Research suggests that through the use of hydrophones that a detection system capable of distinguishing underwater explosions from background noise, and locating their origin by triangulation. Read the original paper.
Research demonstrates that a triangular array of hydrophones 1 m apart is capable of detecting blast events whilst effectively rejecting other sources of underwater noise such as snapping shrimp and nearby boat propellers. A total of 13 blasts were recorded in Sepangor Bay, North of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Read the original paper.
Stop Fish Bombing was founded - a Partnership between Scubazoo, SoundThinking™, and Teng Hoi.
Proof of Concept Demonstrations in Kota Kinabalu and Semporna, Malaysian Borneo protected Marine Parks.
Proof of Concept Demonstrations in Kota Kinabalu and Semporna, Malaysian Borneo protected Marine Parks.
Published research demonstrating real-time fish blast location in Sabah, Malaysia using a networked hydroacoustic array based on the SoundThinking™ gunshot location system. Read the original paper.
February 23, 2019
Stop Fish Bombing USA officially accepted by the Earth Island Institute Board as EII Project. Earth Island Institute provides 501(c)(3) Not For Profit status (Tax ID: 94-2889684) .
June 2019
Gary Lauder, an American venture capitalist with Lauder Partners (the first investor in SoundThinking™), donation to Stop Fish Bombing USA received by Earth Island Institute.
SoundThinking™ Labs established to support Gary Lauder’s donation conservation efforts.
SFB Malaysia established in partnership with Danish Hydrology Institute - Malaysia.
Semporna Island Project joins SFB efforts to conduct site surveys of Marine Parks in Kota Kinabalu and Semporna waters for sensor placement and community engagement efforts.
Operational Development Project commences.
September 2019
First sensors deployed in Kota Kinabalu in Tunka Abdul Rahman Park .
October 2019
SFB Board meets and develops Strategic Plan and Cost Model to expand SFB process to the Philippines and Indonesia.
December 17, 2019
SoundThinking™ Labs “Go Live” day - provides Fish Blasting detection alerts from the Incidence Response Center Alerts to SFB Malaysia.
January 2020
Gary Lauder, the donor, and his daughter, Eliana, in Kota Kinabalu.
Eliana facilitates design sprint and meets Bajau Laut in Semporna.
February 2020
Sabah Parks provides official endorsement of SFB Malaysia efforts to stop fish blasting. Click here for details.
On the 12th, SFB Malaysia team meets with Sabah Parks officials to explain the project approach and provide the SST Respond App. Click here for details.
Eliana to Kudat for Bajau Laut familiarization and facilitates technology sprint in Kota Kinabalu with SFB Malaysia, DHI Malaysia, and Semporna Island Project providing direction for future SFB development.
First apprehension of Fish Bombers by Marine Police in response to SFB alert.
March 2020
Sabah Parks acknowledges sensors assist in data collection to learn Fish Bomber patterns of activity that enable targeted enforcement action and requests a proposal to continue sensor deployment after phase 1 is complete.
March 18, 2020
Stop Fish Bombing International, SFB USA, and SFB Malaysia agree to temporarily delay upcoming plans amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Read More.
April 10, 2020
The arrays in Sabah are still operating and are fully capable of detecting and reporting bombs autonomously. Read more.
December 2020
SFB International activities are handed over to SFB Malaysia and the board is officially dissolved. SFB USA and SFB MY continue as the primary stakeholders.
SFB USA and SFB MY participate in Fish Bomb Free Sabah online event as part of BluHope.org’s BigBluDay 2021. Watch the webinar here.
January 13, 2021
Malaysian Government has imposed Movement Control Order 2.0 in Sabah.
February 13, 2021
Stop Fish Bombing USA End Of Year 2020 Summary And 2021 Objectives. Read the full statement.
June 1, 2021
Malaysian Government announces nationwide lockdown through June 15th due to rise in COVID-19 cases. Lockdown later extended through July 1st.
June 13, 2021
Stop Fish Bombing And CSIRO Agree To Collaborate. Click here for details.